Frontline organization working for a world free of wildlife trafficking and human slavery
Vulnerable People & Ecosytems Vertical Divider
Protectors of People & Nature Vertical Divider
Through Hands-on Adventure |
Coronavirus: Protect People and Animals.
Close Wildlife Markets Now Freeland's Campaign to Close Wildlife Markets, including Bangkok's Chatuchak (JJ) Wildlife Market. For more info: |
COVID and Wildlife Markets:
Ticking Time Bombs Freeland Founder Steven Galster explains how COVID was caused by wildlife trafficking in a 20 min presentation to journalists at the Foreign Correspondents |
Wuhan is a Wakeup Call:
STOP WILDLIFE TRAFFICKING Freeland Founder Steve Galster reminds us that what happened in Wuhan has happened before, and it will happen again until we close wildlife markets, enforce bans and stop trading wildlife. |
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